Metal Additive Manufacturing (MAM) is an emerging technology
whose potential of achieving flexible geometry for metallic parts has revolutionizing
impact on the manufacturing industry. Similar to many newly-developed manufacturing
techniques, the maturation of MAM is hindered by two principal issues. First, the
underlying science, especially during the building process of MAM, is not well understood,
which brings the second issue, that the relationships between the Process, Structure,
Property, and Performance (PSPP mapping) are not well understood. Not rarely, the success
of a build relies on time-costly trial-and-error experiments that find the optimal
selection of process parameters in large parameter space. Unfortunately, the optimal
parameters cannot transfer among different materials and machines. The quality and
consistency of MAM-built parts still need to be improved for demanding applications,
e.g., aerospace and aeronautics.
My research is to develop computational models to simulate the MAM process and the
microstructure evolution in the MAM-built part. Quantitative information that is
difficult to extract by experiments can be obtained by the models, e.g., the
three-dimensional temperature, fluid flow, pressure, grain sizes, and texture. This
quantitative information facilitates the understanding of the fundamental science in MAM
and consequently advances the knowledge of PSPP mapping for MAM.
Specifically, I develop a multi-physics process model to simulate as closely as possible the
complex and intertwined physical phenomena in a MAM process. The temperature in the built
part as a function of time and space is extracted from the process model, which is then fed
into a structure model. The structure model simulates the grain nucleation and growth and
predicts the grain size and morphology in the built part. These models are developed based
on principles of fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, heat transfer, and some particular
aspects of material science.
Powder Bed Generation and Ray Tracing
This project is aimed to set the foundations for the subsequent multiphysics simulations
for MAM processes. In this project, a powder bed generation model is used to create the
structure of a powder bed as in LPBF processes. Then the initial laser-metal interaction is
simulated using the ray-tracing algorithm. The laser absorption distribution on the powder
surfaces is obtained from ray-tracing, which will trigger the melting and vaporization of
the metal.
A randomly packed powder bed is generated by a "rain-dropping" algorithm
(Jodrey, W., et al. Simulation (1979)).
The powder bed is then represented by the level-set function. Based on the level-set field,
the ray-tracing algorithm is implemented to track the multiple reflections of laser beam on
powder surfaces (governed by Fresnel equation), which eventually provides the absorption
Cellular Automata Simulation of Grain Nucleation and Growth
Powder-Gas Interaction in Laser Powder Bed Fusion
The two-dimensional model has been extended to three-dimension. A demonstration of the
3D model capability is shown in the
Home Page.
Currently, the 3D model is used to reveal the mechanism of powder spattering under
different processing conditions: ambient pressure, laser power, and scanning speed. More
information is to be divulged in two future publications.